The seabed is not for mining
The Metals Company will apply to the International Seabed Authority (ISA) for a permit to mine the deep seabed on June 27, 2025. This application will be the first submitted for deep seabed mining (DSM) in international waters. There are no approved regulations.
Canada must refuse mining applications made through the ISA while there are no approved mining regulations; Canada must insist on regulatory provisions that respect Indigenous rights to grant or withhold consent; Canada must legislate a ban on DSM in Canadian territorial waters and actively support global calls for a moratorium on DSM in international waters.
year before mining could become a reality
exploration licences already granted worldwide

What is deep sea mining?
Deep sea hydrothermal vents, seamount crusts, and polymetallic nodules are biodiverse habitats that will be destroyed if mined, leading to widespread loss of unique deep sea species.
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Canada’s Role
Canadian mining companies are racing to mine the deep seabed. And the Canadian government is letting it happen.
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Resources & Reports
Predicting the Impacts
An expert review of the scientific literature on the impacts of deep sea mining. Commissioned by the Deep Sea Mining Campaign and MiningWatch Canada.
Shareholder Advisory
The Deep Sea Mining Campaign issued a Shareholder Advisory to inform potential investors of risks involved in The Metals Company’s (TMC) 2021 public offering. Advisory endorsed by MiningWatch.
Deep Sea Mining: What could it do to the ocean?
Award-winning documentary filmmaker Julia Barnes looks at the dangers posed by deep sea mining in this 10-minute short.