Minister Wilkinson of Natural Resources and Minister Murray of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard issued a statement today on seabed mining that fails to align Canada with global calls for a moratorium on seabed mining in international waters. Canada’s...
Originally posted here. Hon Nanaia Mahuta Minister of Foreign AffairsMinita Take AorerePĀNUI PĀPĀHO MEDIA STATEMENT The Government has announced Aotearoa New Zealand will back a conditional moratorium on deep sea mining in areas beyond national jurisdiction, until...
A new species from a new order of Cnidaria lives on sponge stalks attached to nodules in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone of the Pacific Ocean.Photographer: Craig Smith and Diva Amon, ABYSSLINE Project via NOAA A UN-affiliated organization meets this week to negotiate...
Ottawa—As the International Seabed Authority meets in Jamaica, a petition asking for a global moratorium on deep seabed mining, signed by more than 4000 Canadians, goes to the government for a response. On December 20, 2021, Oceans North, MiningWatch Canada, the...
Six Canadian NGOs and charities launch a parliamentary petition calling on the Canadian government to support a moratorium on deep seabed mining in international waters (Ottawa) Oceans North, MiningWatch Canada, the Canadian Parks & Wilderness Society...